Monday, June 30, 2008

Day 13

Skipped a day, sorry.

Got a lot done around the house yesterday, and was feeling hopeful. Husband and I have a plan for the future, towards working to me being home full time. But not until I go back to work and earn some money towards some home remodeling.

Today, feeling less hopeful as I haven't received any call backs for second interviews, or even first interviews. There is a hot job in Cheyenne that I am pretty sure I could get if I was willing to commute to Wyoming every day. But in the days of gas prices going higher and never coming back down - why would I want to drive MORE?

I'll continue to get things done around the house. It leaves me more time to spend with the animals, particularly my oldest dog. But I do want to go back to work. If only so I can "retire" on my own terms!

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