Friday, June 27, 2008

Day 10 - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Really? 10 days of summer vacation! Kick ass! This is so cool. But really only cool because I am feeling positively certain that my summer vacation will be short lived. And once it's over, no way am I waiting for anything anymore. If I want hard wood floors, Imma gonna getem.

The Good

I am getting stuff done, no matter what the husband thinks. I've mowed yards I would never otherwise have mowed. I will have the bathroom paint done today or tomorrow. I get to hang out with dogs and chickens and sheep. And I had a good interview. At least it's making me feel positive. I've lost a few pounds, and have gotten to take my bike for a spin. I may even take my sewing machine down to the store and ask them to please show me how to work the darn thing!

The Bad

No air conditioning in this house, and every day brings me one day closer to July - when it just gets stifling. No relief for my allergies, and mowing the lawn doesn't help that at all. I've gotten to break up dog fights, that make me wonder how often Grish and Hobbes have little discussions when we are not at home to break them up. I'm not as motivated as I could be, but I am trying. It can be boring to be home, with 5 dogs staring at you wondering what you are going to do for them now.

The Ugly

This awful desire for a job I really want, and am helpless to do much more about getting. The watching of rain clouds that thunder and grumble and keep moving north of us, dropping just teasing drops on the ground that so desperately needs a storm. The constant worrying about money, and what might happen if this temporary lasts more than just the summer... But most of all, it's the allergies that are ugly. No relief from the pollen, the cat. OH and speaking of our useless cat. I have now caught 3 mice in the house. I can hear them in the walls. I see them in the basement. And the cat does nothing. I was really hoping we would never need another indoor cat. But if Schroed can't fix this mouse problem, and the mousetraps don't fix this mouse problem... damn it all, we may still need a house cat. DO YOUR JOB KITTY!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hope, hope, hope... Good luck with the short vacation (grin).

I'm going to mostly avoid the allergy issue. Waaay too many causes, and too many "cures" aren't right for the person receiving the suggestions. If it's pollen related, you might succeed in controlling in part by wearing a mask in high-dust conditions, but I'll emphasize MIGHT and IN PART - and the mask is always hot.

Mousers... I've had cats that would lay in the floor and watch a pair of mice run back and forth for hours, doing nothing unless the mouse ran up to them. (Literally, in one case. It's funny in retrospect. At the time, "do your job" is the polite version of what I was saying.) I've also had cats that would clean house completely. There is no sure measure beyond in the proof, but I've got some tendencies.

Every mouser likes to play. Not all cats that'll play will be mousers, but the reverse is true. In fact, you can cut the error rate by categorizing play. Almost all cats will chase string. It's the ones that like to bounce a small cloth ball or stuffed toy that you've rolled across the floor that are better.

I've got one cat now that will bounce a small stuffed animal about a third her size. Actually, that's HER toy. We had to, because she'd swipe the toy the dog was playing with - the dog would look rather hurt by that... We've not had any rodents in this house since we got her, but I'm not sure that's a fair test as we only had one before, and that was an extreme juvenile caught by our previous mouser. Oh, and we've a cat that LOVES string - but she just stared at the mouse I just described. sigh.

One thing you could do is ask neighbors and friends if they have a mouser (for inside, or inside/outside as appropriate) that you could borrow. When I was younger we had a cat that was a welcome weekend guest at several of our neighbors' houses. And sometimes the non-mouser just doesn't realize, "Oh, I can HUNT these? COOL..." Yep, seen it happen.

And not - see example above.

Good Luck, on several fronts.
