Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Day 7 - one week later

One week later and some of the shock is starting to wear off. I am still lacking in motivation, while I stare at a ton of housework, I better get some of it done.

I had a phone screen last night with a company, who shall remain nameless for now. Phone screens are usually pretty inocuous and rarely unique. Tell me about this, tell me about that, tell me about a time. Fabulous.

I got a call back today that they want to do a follow up phone interview with me tomorrow. Sweet, I got past the first date, and they want to take me out again. This is better than dating.

This is probably what has lifted my mood the most. The idea that someone might be interested. That this dark tunnel may very well be a short one. Let's see what happens!

Now I better go finish painting the bathroom/doing laundry/cleaning the kitchen/scrubbing the rugs...

1 comment:

Chas. Owens said...

Don't forget LinkedIn, that is how Google found me.