Monday, July 28, 2008

Offer on the table

So, I was completely caught off guard today by an offer. It's contract, which seems kind of cool. But I wasn't expecting it today. And I wasn't expecting that they'd want an answer so quickly. I mean, I know that I am unemployed, but that doesn't mean I am desperate. It doesn't mean I don't have the right to think before I leap, and choose the right job, instead of any job.

But it's on the table. I have 2 more interviews this week, and I think I owe myself the option to see if they go anywhere, and anywhere better than this offer. Which is outside of my industry.

So I don't know, I really don't. All I know is I don't like being pressured. Last time I was pressured into a job, I ended up regretting it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My two-cent opinion of contract work is make SURE you have an attorney check the contract.

For me, contracts are for EITHER something that needs done now and never repeated, OR it's for something that is so far outside my business expertise or process that I don't want to have to deal with an employee so different from all the rest.

Far too often, however, it appears it's used as an easy way to get an employee on the cheap - not just monetarily, but in letting them go without recourse. Remember as an example that as a contract employee, YOU are responsible for unemployment insurance - none comes from the contracting agent unless it's a part of the contract.

Not a bad thing, just an issue of which to beware.