Thursday, July 10, 2008

Day 22

I have a meeting scheduled tomorrow with a recruiter. The job is interesting, but I am not a great fit. I am stretching at this point. I also spoke with another recruiter about a job in Golden. It's also a stretch, possibly, but he didn't have a great write up of the job. Interesting industry, but what would I really be doing? And is driving to Golden daily even worth my while?

I am following up on these things, but we'll just have to see.

And none of these people know where I live or how to pronounce my town. Both of the claimed to be from Michigan. One of them knew were Berkley is. The other forgot what city Wayne State is in. Sigh.

I am beginning to wonder if the gas to drive to Denver is worth it for a potential dead end...
Besides, I have my brain focused on Saturday's farmer's market, which I will be attending solo (well, maybe with a dog companion) because husband is gone for the weekend.

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